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“In the future, people must become world citizens.
We wish to bring harmony to all humankind and to make the whole world into one family.”
About Shumei, Philippines
Shinji Shumeikai (Shumei) is a global movement that seeks to restore the earth’ s natural balance through the appreciation of art and beauty, natural agriculture, and spiritual healing. While these pillars are distinct, they work in unison towards the creation of an ideal world. Art and beauty serve to refine the soul, while spiritual healing imparts a sense of tranquility and emotional wellbeing. In addition, the practice of natural agriculture seeks to free the physical body of illness, as well as demonstrate a respect and concern for the earth.
About Roselle
Roselle(Hibiscus sabadariffa) is an annual herbaceous shrub native to the Philippines. The plant’ s tall, leafy green stocks bear a fruit-like bud that becomes large, crisp and juicy when ripe. Reminiscent of the cranberry in flavor, Roselle lends well to juices, jam, jellies, wines, chutneys, and syrups. More than just a culinary delight, the edible bid is high in calcium, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and iron. Popular around the world, Roselle has long been used in herbal medicine to reduce high blood pressure. Shumei, Philippines is interested in Roselle for several reasons. First, market demand for Roselle and its associated products favors production at this time. Because the Plant grows easily and abundantly in the local climate, there is potential for cash-crop development. Second, planting and cultivating this particular crop will allow for the employment of Indigenous Peoples and community members. As a form of social enterprise, the labor will provide an opportunity for financial relief to those who remain affected by environmental adversities.
私たちはフィリピンのリサール州にて、現地の先住民族である、ドゥマ ガットの方と共に環境保全に貢献できる方法の一つとして、自家採取、 農薬、肥料を使わない秀明自然農法をお伝えしハイビスカスの栽培に取り組んでいます。
またこの活動はUNDP( 国連開発計画 ) のプロジェクトとして認められ補助金をいただき、ハイビスカスの加工場を作らせていただきました。

Hibiscus plant at Shumei Farm in Tanay, Rizal, Philippines. People call it,“alas dose”here. Because the flowers close in the noon.

The view from the land owned by Ms Odette Alcantara,called The Mother of Environment, founder of Earth Day Network Philippines,Inc. With visitors and Dumagat people in the farm.

Roselle picking during the Annual Roselle Festival in the farm.

Group photo with the actor, Mr. Rafael Rosell with Dumagat people at the farm during the Roselle Festival.

People visiting the farm during the Roselle Festival.
飲み方:ティーカップ1杯あたり、乾燥実1個(約1グラム)が目安です。必要量のお湯を沸かし、乾燥実を5分程、煮込んでください。火を止めて15分程しましたら乾燥実は取り出してください。放置しますと若干苦くなります。シナモン、レモングラス、ココナッツシュガー、蜂蜜などお好みで入れてください。ホットでもアイスでもお楽しみいただけます。ご購入希望やお問い合わせはフェイスブックサイトshumeinaphil からお願いいたします。
1.Bring four cups water to a boil in a medium sauce pan. Once the water comes to a rolling boil, turn the heat off.
2. Add 8 large fresh hibiscus flowers, or 2 tbsp. of dried flower petals to the water. Add 1 to 2 cinnamon sticks, depending on how strong you like the tea.
3. Cover the pan and allow the hibiscus flowers and cinnamon sticks to steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not leave the flowers in the water for more than 20 minutes, or you’ ll end up with a bitter tea. For a stronger tea, add more flowers instead of steeping longer.
4. Strain the hibiscus tea into a drink pitcher. Add the juice from one small lemon and sugar or honey to taste. Alternatively, you can leave the pitcher or tea unsweetened and allow guests to add their own sweetener.
5. Pour the tea over ice in individual glasses when serving. Garnish each glass with a lemon wedge, if desired. Refrigerate any leftovers for up to three days before discarding.
If you have any questions, you may contact us from Facebook: shumeinaphil or e-mail us: